Mohsen A. Jafari
Rutgers University
Mohsen A. Jafari is a professor and Chair of Industrial & Systems Engineering at Rutgers University and is a principal at the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation, where he overseas Transportation Safety Resource Center and Information Management Group. His current research interests include control and optimization of large complex systems in transportation and energy applications. He has been principal or co-principal to over $18.0M R&D funding from the US and international government agencies and industry (including, US National Science Foundation; Office of Naval Research; Department of Energy; Department of Defense; FHWA and The NJ Department of Transportation; New York and New Jersey Port Authority; NYC Metropolitan Transit Authority; Port of Piraeus – Greece; Allison/General Motors; Siemens; Honeywell; DNV-GL Energy; Anhui-Kelli, China; and Merck & Co.). His work has led to three patents and a number of major technological advances and product development in transportation (Plan4Safety for traffic safety; Berth planning optimization for port operation), in energy (BEAM for building energy asset management; Micro-grid planning and control, Cyber risk assessment tool for power grid), and in manufacturing (3D printing for sensors and actuators). He actively collaborates with universities and national labs in the US and abroad (including University of Cambridge – UK; EPFL-Swiss; and Poly-technique of Milan - Italy). He has advised seventeen Ph.D. theses and nine post doctoral & research fellows. Presently, he is advising additional seven Ph.D. theses. He is a member of IEEE and was recipient of the IEEE excellence award in service and research, SAP curriculum award and two Transportation safety awards. He has authored and co-authored 70+ refereed publications, over 60 conference proceedings, and has made over 100 invited and contributed presentations around the world. He has been consultant to several fortune 500 companies, and national and international government agencies.
Research Interest