Pradip Kumar Ray
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Title: Total performance assurance for sustainable manufacturing: Opportunities and challenges
Biography: Pradip Kumar Ray
In the fast-changing technology-intensive, innovation-centered and human-focused international scenario, organizations in any sector of a national economy need to improve their performance continually emphasizing on all its critical dimensions and issues in respect of business goals, quality of work life and environmental and social sustainability concurrently. An organization’s knowledge, expertise and effort are required to be directed to plan, assess and control its performance in totality. Robustness of organizational systems, assurance of total performance and sustainable development within the societal framework are three main aspects to be considered at both strategic and operational levels of any organization for development of world-class benchmarked products, processes and work environment. Briefing the current status and practices in some leading countries in respect of relevant issues and factors in this context, details of a total performance assurance system with its implementation potential in organizations are presented in this presentation. Discussing the kinds of problems to be dealt with in establishing sustainable manufacturing processes and systems and the managerial roles and responsibilities in designing such an assurance system with information and technology system support as required in the current scenario, the presentation highlights the research issues and specific challenges to be addressed for assurance of benchmarked performance of any organizations.