Pijush Samui
Associate Professor
Dr. Pijush Samui is an associate professor at Centre for Department of Civil Engineering in NIT University, Patna, India and Adjunct Professor Ton Duc Thang University,Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.He obtained his B.E. at Bengal Engineering and Science University; M.Sc. at Indian Institute of Science; Ph.D. at Indian Institute of Science. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at University of Pittsburgh (USA) and Tampere University of Technology (Finland). At University of Pittsburgh, he worked on numerical modeling of rock cutting and application of Support Vector Machine (SVM) in Geotechnical Engineering. He has published 112 technical papers in journals, 27 technical papers in conferences. He has written 6 books and 9 book chapters. He is the recipient of CIMO fellowship from Finland. Dr. Samui worked as a guest editor in "Disaster Advances" journal. He also serves as an editorial board member in several international journals. He received Sardar Resham Singh Memorial Award from Indian Geotechnical Society. He was selected for Shamsher Prakash Research Award by IIT Roorkee.
Research Interest
•Geohazards •Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering •Concrete Technology •Pile Foundation •Slope Stability •Application of Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering •Site Characterization
ELSAYED AHMED ELNASHAR, Full-Professor of textiles Apparel, Kaferelsheikh University, Egypt. Born in 19 /8/1965. Have Ph.D. 2000, Msc.1995, Bsc.1989, Helwan University. Diploma1985advanced industrial textiles institute. He holds several academic administrative positions: Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Department, He has many textiles patents, Member of international scientific committees. Development of Faculties of Education, commissioned of Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities. Has design books published in Germany and Ukraine. Has published over 185 scientific Articles. Editorial board member & Reviewer for more 85 journals, organizer for more than 30 conference and workshop over the world, Founder and editor two scientific journals. And Smartex Conference Egypt. Member of the editorial board of several international journals and conferences, He has made many scientific agreements with European &Africa universities
Research Interest
- LASER-JET TECHNOLOGY ON WEAVING MACHINE -Antimicrobial Throw Volume Porosity -Membrane Technology for Filtrations: Water/Wastewater, Air Conditions, Cement Factory, Gas And Petroleum - Solar textiles (SOLATEX) of composite fabrics structures as alternative energy. - Functional Nano biodegradable - Computational Mathematics - Fluid Mechanics - Composites fabrics structures -Automotive of - Composites fabrics structures so airbags systems - Energy Effective Method of Modeling and Manufacturing - MULTISTITCHED 3D NANO COMPOSITE - Composites made of multilayered - Nano art, and Nanotechnology in textiles and apparel branch. -improved simulating fitting cloth model of apparel surfaces. -the influence of the bulky woven fabrics on thermal insulation properties of clothing. -Design curtains fringe and passementerie strips of lace design elements in current high fashion. -Representative volume of design elements and mathematical of pile and velvets woven fabrics. -Volume porosity and permeability in fabrics. -Porosity and permeability in multi-layer woven fabrics. -The influence of weave and the method of stitching on some mechanical properties of woven double fabrics. -Effect the design and materials of eyes swathe dressing and diapers clothes for infant’s incubator. -The effective of some difference between the methods of the embroidery on some performance properties to the clothing product. -The effective of some difference structures on quality of pilling cloth -Effect of some different care systems process on dyeing cotton fabrics -Effect of some fabric constructional on comfort and the aesthetic properties for kid clothes -Using remote sensing technology for monitoring of chemical pollutions and bioremediation of chemical -contaminated water -Automatic pattern unwrapping technology -Energy saving and improving stretch properties -Spring-mass based modeling for fabrics physics to 3D garment -Cloth design and application -Clothing simulation and animation -Body shape analysis of Hispanic women Tires and rubber industry
Zeshui Xu received the Ph.D. degree in management science and engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2003. From October 2005 to December 2007, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. He was a Distinguished Young Scholar of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chang Jiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education of China. He is currently a Professor with the Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu. He has been elected as Academician of IASCYS (International academy for systems and cybernetic sciences), Fellow of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Fellow of IFSA (International Fuzzy Systems Association), Fellow of RSA (Royal Society of Arts), Fellow of IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), Fellow of BCS (British Computer Society), and ranked 431th among World’s Top 100,000 Scientists in 2019. He has contributed more than 500 SCI/SSCI articles to professional journals, and is among the world’s top 1% most highly cited researchers with about 53,000 citations, his h-index is 114. He is currently the Associate Editors of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Information Sciences, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, etc., and also a member of Editorial (Advisory) Boards of more than forty professional journals. His current research interests include decision making, information fusion, clustering analysis, bibliometric, data analysis, and fuzzy sets.
Research Interest
•Decision making •Information fusion •Clustering analysis •Bibliometric •Data analysis •Fuzzy sets